Cisco Catalyst Switch Module 3110 and 3012 for IBM BladeCenter Software Configuration Guide
traceroute, Layer 2 (continued)
multicast traffic 47-12
multiple devices on a port 47-12
unicast traffic 47-11
usage guidelines 47-12
traceroute command 47-14
See also IP traceroute
tracked lists
configuring 42-3
types 42-3
tracked objects
by Boolean expression 42-4
by threshold percentage 42-6
by threshold weight 42-5
tracking interface line-protocol state 42-2
tracking IP routing state 42-2
tracking objects 42-1
tracking process 42-1
track state, tracking IP SLAs 42-9
blocking flooded 25-7
fragmented 34-5
fragmented IPv6 35-2
unfragmented 34-5
traffic policing 1-11
traffic suppression 25-1
transmit hold-count
see STP
transparent mode, VTP 13-3, 13-12
trap-door mechanism 3-2
configuring MAC address notification 6-22
configuring managers 32-11
defined 32-3
enabling 6-22, 32-11
notification types 32-11
overview 32-1, 32-4
connectivity problems 47-10, 47-11, 47-13
detecting unidirectional links 28-1
displaying crash information 47-20
PIMv1 and PIMv2 interoperability problems 44-26
setting packet forwarding 47-17
show forward command 47-17
with CiscoWorks 32-4
with debug commands 47-16
with ping 47-10
with system message logging 31-1
with traceroute 47-13
trunk failover
See link-state tracking
trunking encapsulation 1-8
trunk ports
configuring 12-21
defined 10-3, 12-3
encapsulation 12-21, 12-26, 12-27
allowed-VLAN list 12-22
configuring 12-21, 12-26, 12-27
ISL 12-16
load sharing
setting STP path costs 12-27
using STP port priorities 12-25, 12-26
native VLAN for untagged traffic 12-24
parallel 12-27
pruning-eligible list 12-23
to non-DTP device 12-18
trusted boundary for QoS 36-38
trusted port states
between QoS domains 36-40
classification options 36-5
ensuring port security for IP phones 36-38
support for 1-11
within a QoS domain 36-35
trustpoints, CA 7-42