Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring Personal Assistant
Configuring Speech Recognition
After clicking Save, Personal Assistant displays the number of licenses, which is the maximum number
of simultaneous speech ports and locales available when using this license key.
Step 5 Create the speech server cluster by doing the following substeps:
a. For each speech server, in the Speech Recognition Server Hosts field, enter the server IP address or
DNS name, and click Add. Note that the speech servers are not activated until the next refresh.
b. Identify one or two Personal Assistant servers that should be used as the license manager hosts. All
Assistant servers include license managers, but you must identify which ones will be
actively used for distributing licenses.
c. In the Speech Recognition License Manager Hosts field, enter the IP address or DNS name of the
Assistant server you want to use, and click Add. Cisco recommends that you identify two
servers, so that there is a backup license manager. Speech recognition works when there is at least
one active license manager.
Step 6 From the Available Locales list, select the locales you want to support, and click >>. You can select
multiple locales by using Ctrl-Click or Shift-click. Personal
Assistant allows you to add more than one
locale only if your license key allows it.
Step 7 From the Default Locale list, select the language Personal Assistant will initially use in the
speech-recognition interface and on the user web interface.
Note that if you do not set a default locale, users will not have speech recognition and will be unable to
access the user web interface.
Note Users can later select a different locale for their use by using the user web interface.
Assistant uses the locale the user selects once it identifies who is calling or who is
logging on to the user web interface.
Step 8 Click Save to save and activate your changes.
Tip Select System > Miscellaneous Settings and enter the operator extension so that users are transferred to
the operator if they encounter too many speech recognition problems.
To Fine-Tune Speech Recognition
Step 1 In the Personal Assistant Administration, select System > Speech Services. The Speech Services
Configuration page opens.
Step 2 If you are trying to resolve problems in which users are being transferred to the operator too quickly, you
can make any of the following changes:
• If users are being transferred to the operator because there are many similarly named people in your
phone directory, change the Maximum Number for Disambiguation parameter.
The Maximum Number for Disambiguation setting determines the number of options (people,
numbers, and so on) a user can select from when trying to call a person with a common name, such
as John Smith. By increasing this number, Personal
Assistant presents additional selections and
reduces transfers to the operator.