Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 1 Planning for Personal Assistant
Intercepting Calls with Personal Assistant
3. Update each IP phone extension that you want managed with the new PAManaged partition and the
cssPhones calling search space.
If you do not want to enable Personal Assistant on a particular phone (such as a lobby phone), you
can leave the extension assigned to the none partition, but you must update the calling search space.
If you need to update hundreds or thousands of user extensions, consider using the
CallManager Bulk Administration Tool (BAT).
4. It is important to understand how these changes affect User 1001 and User 1002.
In this example, we have reconfigured the phone of User 1002 to use Personal Assistant by adding
it to the PAManaged partition. We have also left the phone of User 1001 in the “none” partition.
Finally, we have updated the calling search spaces to search the Personal
Assistant partition (PA).
These changes enable the call routing rules of User 1002 to be applied to all incoming calls. To
complete the configuration, we have created the 1XXX interceptor port (X matches any digit) in the
PA partition so that Personal
Assistant will intercept calls to the extension of User 1002.
When User 1001 calls User 1002, Cisco CallManager uses the calling search space of User 1001,
cssPhones. Cisco
CallManager determines that the best match to extension 1002 within cssPhones
is 1XXX, which exists in the PA partition. Therefore, Cisco
CallManager routes the call to
Assistant instead of sending it to the phone of User 1002. Personal Assistant processes the
active call routing rules of User 1002 and uses the applicable rule. If no rule applies, the call goes
directly to the extension of User 1002, because the calling search space of Personal
cssPA, contains the partition PAManaged, which is the partition in which the extension of User 1002
exists. If the applicable rule instructs Personal
Assistant to transfer the calls of User 1002 to the
phone of User 1003, Cisco
CallManager finds the best match to extension 1003 in the “none”
partition of the calling search space of Personal
Assistant, cssPA, and sends the call directly to User
Note that because cssPA contains the NonPAManaged partition and does not contain the PA
partition, Personal
Assistant does not intercept the call a second time to process the active call
routing rules of User 1003.
Calling Search
Partitions Assigned To
cssPA PAManaged
Devices that will not have Personal Assistant evaluate the
called number for interception.
cssPhones PA
Devices (such as employee IP phones) that can dial internal
and external numbers and access Personal
Cisco CallManager
User 1001 User 1002 User 1003
PA Interceptor Port
Route Point
Phone extension 1001 1002 1003 1XXX
Partition none PAManaged none PA
Calling search space cssPhones cssPhones cssPhones cssPA