Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Installing and Upgrading Personal Assistant
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Task List for Installing Personal Assistant on a New System, page 2-1
• Installing Personal Assistant Software, page 2-2
• Task List for Upgrading from Personal Assistant Version 1.3(x), page 2-5
• Setting Up Active Directory as the Corporate Directory for Personal Assistant, page 2-6
• Disabling McAfee NetShield Services, page 2-8
• Disabling Cisco Security Agent for Cisco Personal Assistant, page 2-8
• Re-Enabling Cisco Security Agent for Cisco Personal Assistant, page 2-9
• Installing the Enhanced Text to Speech Server, page 2-9
• Refreshing the System—Updating User Information from the Corporate Directory, page 2-10
Task List for Installing Personal Assistant on a New System
Personal Assistant consists of three components that you can install separately or together on one
system: the Personal
Assistant web interfaces for end users and administrators; the Personal Assistant
server; and the speech recognition server.
Although you configure some Personal Assistant settings during installation, you do most of the
configuration after installation by using the Personal
Assistant administration interface.
Use the following task list to install Personal Assistant on a system that is not running a previous version
of Personal
Assistant. If you are upgrading Personal Assistant, see the “Task List for Upgrading from
Personal Assistant Version 1.3(x)” section on page 2-5.
1. Before installing Personal Assistant on a new system, review the planning information in Chapter 1,
“Planning for Personal Assistant.” You must have a clear understanding of how many users you need
to support and the best configuration of the Personal Assistant components for your requirements,
as you will need this information to make decisions during the installation process.
2. Verify the hardware and software requirements for the Personal Assistant 1.4 system. Refer to the
“System Requirements and Supported Software” section of the Release Notes for Personal Assistant
Version 1.4. The release notes are available at
3. Review the system limitations and restrictions on how Personal Assistant can be configured in the
network. Refer to the
“Personal Assistant Configuration on the Network” section of the Release
Notes for Personal Assistant Version 1.4.