Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Personal Assistant
Integrating with Network Management Systems
• PASCCP—The Skinny protocol subsystem.
• PARULES—The rules-based call routing subsystem. This applies only to the user interface.
• PADtmf—The DTMF interface.
• Perfmon—The performance monitoring subsystem.
• PASpeech—The speech recognition subsystem.
Step 4 Click Save Settings to save and activate your changes.
Personal Assistant begins generating the requested trace and debug information.
The information is placed in a log file in the \Logs subdirectory of the Personal Assistant installation
directory. Or, if you configured Personal
Assistant to use the CiscoWorks 2000 Syslog facility when you
installed Personal
Assistant, the data is sent to syslog. See the “Collecting System Logs with Syslog”
section on page 6-17 for information on using syslog.
Step 5 Send the information to the Cisco TAC group with which you are working.
Step 6 When you have finished generating debug and trace information, turn off debug and trace by clicking
Clear All for each section in which you have made a selection. Then click Save to complete the change.
Integrating with Network Management Systems
You can manage the status of the Personal Assistant server remotely by using CiscoWorks2000 or
another SNMP-based network management system. CiscoWorks2000 is the standard Cisco network
management system, but it is not bundled with Personal
Assistant. For more information about
CiscoWorks2000, Campus Manager, and Topology Services, refer to the documentation available at the
following URL:
The following sections provide information to assist you in integrating Personal Assistant with network
management systems:
• CDP Support, page 6-16
• Monitoring Personal Assistant Subsystem Status, page 6-17
• Collecting System Logs with Syslog, page 6-17
CDP Support
Personal Assistant uses the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) to periodically send out CDP messages, on
the active interface, to a designated multicast address. These messages contain information such as
device identification, interface name, system capabilities, SNMP agent address, and time-to-live. Any
Cisco device with CDP support can locate a Personal
Assistant server by listening to these periodic
By using information provided through CDP, the CiscoWorks2000 Server can detect the
Assistant Server, and the Campus Manager application (Topology Services) can build topology
maps displaying the Personal
Assistant server.