Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide How to Use the System Interrogate Screen 89
Field: Description:
ICM Version Major version number of the ICM product installed on the System.
Build Number Build number of the currently installed ICM product.
ICM NODE Unique identifier for an ICM node (for example, PG2A). The ICM node types
y Router
y Logger
y PG
y AW
y Distributor
Engineering Special
(Patch) Level
Indicates how many Engineering Special (patches) have been installed on the
Patches Applied
Actual patches applied to the system can fall into two categories:
y Limited Release Patches (LRPs)
y RollUp Patches (RUPs)
Install Drive Drive on which ICM product is installed.
Install Side In a duplexed system, the side of the ICM that was last installed.
Customer Name(s) Customer name, or names, for a CICM.
Current Instance Defines which customer is selected for processing by the AW.
MDS Buffer
ICM Message Delivery System component information. Includes:
y Buffer Limit
y Buffer Max Free
y Clients
Domain Controller The Domain Controller or Active Directory server.
Version/Patch Info Version/patch information for all ICM components installed.