
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Common Utilities 205
About Common Utilities
Common utilities are a set of third-party utilities, present on all or most
Windows/ICM systems, that may be useful when troubleshooting ICM components.
For the sake of convenience, the Support Tools Dashboard provides direct access to
these utilities through its interface.
Note: This guide does not provide detailed documentation on using third-party tools.
In all cases, extensive documentation is available from a variety of sources, including
user guides, the Web, and from the tools themselves. For those third-party utilities
on which Cisco-specific documentation does exist on http://www.cisco.com, links
have been provided.
Accessing Common Utilities
Most common utilities are command-line based, and can be run from either the
Support Tools Dashboard or from an individual node. Command-line access to
individual nodes can be local or remote (via methods like TelNet, pcAnywhere, etc.).
Several common utilities are GUI-based. While menu commands for these utilities
appear in the Support Tools Dashboard, they cannot in fact be launched from there.
Access to these tools is limited to the individual node (either locally or via remote
GUI such as pcAnywhere). These GUI-based third-party tools include:
Common Utilities Locations
Almost all Common Utilities are installed on all Support Tools nodes/Windows OSs.
Several (see the table in the next section) may be particular to SQL Server
Common Utilities at a Glance
The following Support Tools utilities are bundled third-party Windows, DOS, and Unix
utilities. Most can be run both from within the Dashboard interface, or from an
external command line.