
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide How to Use the OPCTest Utility 183
list_agents, la: Display OPCs AgentStates for specified Group.
list_calls, lc: Display OPCs call states.
list_routing_client, lrc: Display OPCs Routing Client stats for peripheral.
mem_leaks: Dump memory leakage based on checkpoints from prior calls.
network_trunk_group_trace, ntg_trace: Controls NetworkTrunkGroup tracing in
the OPC.
peripheral_trace: Controls Peripheral tracing in the OPC.
quit, q: Ends the program.
read_file, read: Directs command input to another input file
route_call: Sends a route call request to the router.
route_trace: Controls Route tracing in the OPC.
service_trace: Controls Service tracing in the OPC.
skill_group_trace: Controls SkillGroup tracing in the OPC.
status: Sends an message telling OPC to display its status.
stop_log: Requests logmsg to stop logging messages.
trunk_group_trace: Controls TrunkGroup tracing in the OPC.
tuning_param, tune: Controls tuning in the router.
The following example shows detailed output for the status command: