
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Installing Support Tools 34
Step 3. Create the Distinguished User Account
The Support Tools Server installs the Tomcat Web server which runs as a service.
This service must run as a distinguished user. To do this:
A. Prior to installing the Support Tools Server, create the Distinguished User.
B. After installing the Support Tools Server, assign the Distinguished User the
requisite directory privileges.
Step 4. Review the Support Tools Server hardware and software
Prior to installing the Support Tools Server, ensure that the machine you are
installing it on meets the minimum hardware and software prerequisites.
Step 5. Install the Support Tools Server
The Support Tools Server installation includes:
The Support Tools Dashboard
The Support Tools Node
Support Tools documentation
Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.3.1
Apache Tomcat 4.0.6
Step 6. Review the Support Tools Node hardware and software prerequisites
Prior to installing the Support Tools Node, ensure that the ICM nodes you are
installing it on meet the minimum hardware and software prerequisites.
Step 7. Install the Support Tools Node
Install the Support Tools Node on each ICM node you want to manage through
Support Tools. The Support Tools Nodes installation includes:
The Support Tools Node Agent
Support Tools Web utilities and certain Unix-style common utilities.
Support Tools documentation
Note: Other Support Tools utilities are not part of the Support Tools installation.
Rather, these utilities already exist on each node, distributed as part of standard ICM
and Win2K installations.