
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide How to Use the Touch Utility 269
If an argument in the form mmddhhmm[yy] is passed to touch, the last-write time of
each file listed on the command line is set to the specified date and time. If the date
and time are not given on the command line, the last-write times of the arguments
are set to the current system time. The argument mmddhhmm[yy] is formed as
The first mm is a two digit number (between 01 and 12) for the month.
The dd is a two digit number (between 01 and 31) for the day of the month.
The hh is a two digit number (between 00 and 23) for the hour. Note that a
24 hour clock is assumed.
The second mm is a two digit number (between 00 and 59) for the minute.
The yy, if present, is for setting the year. Years between 80 and 99 are
understood to be between 1980 and 1999. Years between 00 and 79 are
assumed to be for the years 2000 to 2079.
-?: Display program description.
Note: If the environment variable TOUCH exists, its value is used to establish default
You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by
following the option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -v option,
specify -v-.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Common Utilities