MEGAPOWER CPU 8200-0421-03, REV. G
77 of 82
Block Display, Hold Queuing
• BHI – Multiple monitor alarm block, all alarms are
queued and displayed on monitors with no
existing alarms. Monitors display and hold the first
alarmed contacts. Alarms are removed from the
queue when the alarm closure is restored
• BHI A – Multiple monitor alarm block, all alarms
are queued and displayed on monitors with no
existing alarms. Monitors display and hold the first
alarmed contacts. Alarms are removed from the
queue when the alarm closure is restored or the
user clears the alarm (Instant or Manual).
• BHA – Multiple monitor alarm block, all alarms
are queued and displayed on monitors with no
existing alarms. Monitors display and hold the first
alarmed contacts. Alarms are removed from the
queue 20 seconds after the alarm closure is
restored (Automatic).
• BHA A – Multiple monitor alarm block, all alarms
are queued and displayed on monitors with no
existing alarms. Monitors display and hold the first
alarmed contacts. Alarms are removed from the
queue 20 seconds after the alarm closure is
restored or when the user clears the alarm
(Automatic or Manual).
• BHM – Multiple monitor alarm block, all alarms
are queued and displayed on monitors with no
existing alarms. Monitors display and hold the first
alarmed contacts. Alarms are removed from the
queue only when the operator clears the alarm
Dual Display, Hold and Sequence
• DHI/DSI – Two alarm monitors, the first alarm is
displayed on the Hold (DHI) monitor, and all
subsequent alarms are queued and sequenced
on the Sequence (DSI) monitor. Alarms are
removed from the Sequence monitor queue when
the alarm closure is cleared. When the alarm
closure on the Hold monitor is cleared, the oldest
alarm contact on the Sequence monitor is moved
to the Hold monitor and removed from the
Sequence monitor (Instant).
• DHI A/DSI A – Two alarm monitors, the first alarm
is displayed on the Hold (DHI) monitor, and all
subsequent alarms are queued and sequenced
on the Sequence (DSI) monitor. Alarms are
removed from the Sequence monitor queue when
the alarm closure is cleared instantly or when the
operator clears the alarm. When the alarm
closure on the Hold monitor is cleared instantly, or
cleared by the operator, the oldest alarm on the
Sequence monitor is moved to the Hold monitor
and removed from the Sequence monitor (Instant
or Manual).
• DHA/DSA – Two alarm monitors, the first alarm is
displayed on the Hold (DHI) monitor. All
subsequent alarms are queued and sequenced
on the Sequence (DSI) monitor. All subsequent
alarms are queued and sequenced on the
Sequence monitor. Alarms are removed from the
Sequence monitor queue 20 seconds after the
alarm clears. When the alarm closure on the Hold
monitor is clears, and 20 seconds has expired,
the oldest alarm contact on the Sequence monitor
is moved to the Hold monitor and removed from
the Sequence monitor (Automatic)
• DHA A/DSA A – Two alarm monitors, the first
alarm is displayed on the Hold (DHI) monitor, and
all subsequent alarms are queued and sequenced
on the Sequence (DSI) monitor. All subsequent
alarms are queued and sequenced on the
Sequence monitor. Alarms are removed from the
Sequence monitor queue 20 seconds after the
alarm closure is cleared or when the operator
clears the alarm. When the alarm closure on the
Hold monitor is cleared and 20 seconds has
expired, or the alarm is cleared by the operator,
the oldest alarm on the Sequence monitor is
moved to the Hold monitor and removed from the
Sequence monitor (Automatic or Manual).
• DHM/DSM – Two alarm monitors, the first alarm
is displayed on the Hold (DHI) monitor, and all
subsequent alarms are queued and sequenced
on the Sequence (DSI) monitor. All subsequent
alarms are queued and sequenced on the
Sequence monitor. Alarms are removed from the
Sequence monitor queue only when the operator
clears the alarm. When the alarm on the Hold
monitor is cleared, the oldest alarm on the
Sequence monitor is moved to the Hold monitor
and removed from the Sequence monitor