Perform the following configuration in VLAN interface view.
By default, LSU packets are transmitted by seconds.
Setting an Interval for LSA Retransmission Between Neighboring Routers
If a router transmits an LSA to the peer, it requires the acknowledgement packet
from the peer. If it does not receive the acknowledgement packet within the
retransmission, it retransmits this LSA to the neighbor. You can configure the value
of the retransmission interval.
Perform the following configuration in VLAN interface view.
By default, the interval for neighboring routers to retransmit LSAs is five seconds.
The value of the interval should be bigger than the interval in which a packet can
be transmitted and returned between two routers.
An LSA retransmission interval that is too small will cause unnecessary
Setting a Shortest Path First (SPF) Calculation Interval for OSPF
Whenever the OSPF LSDB changes, the shortest path requires recalculation.
Calculating the shortest path after a change consumes enormous resources and
affects the operating efficiency of the router. Adjusting the SPF calculation interval,
however, can restrain the resource consumption caused by frequent network
Perform the following configuration in OSPF view.
By default, the interval for SPF recalculation is 5 seconds.
Table 33 Configuring an Interval for LSU packets
Operation Command
Configure an interval for sending LSU packets ospf trans-delay seconds
Restore the default interval of sending LSU
undo ospf trans-delay
Table 34 Setting Retransmit Timer
Operation Command
Configure the interval of LSA retransmission
for the neighboring routers
ospf timer retransmit interval
Restore the default LSA retransmission interval
for the neighboring routers
undo ospf timer retransmit
Table 35 Setting the SPF Calculation Interval
Operation Command
Set the SPF calculation interval spf-schedule-interval seconds
Restore the SPF calculation interval undo spf-schedule-interval seconds