DHCP Relay 55
Configuring DHCP is described in the following sections:
■ Configuring DHCP Relay
■ Troubleshooting a DHCP Relay Configuration
Configuring DHCP Relay DHCP relay configuration includes tasks described in the following sections:
■ Configuring a DHCP Server IP Address in a DHCP Server Group
■ Configuring the DHCP Server Group for the VLAN Interface
■ Configuring the Address Table Entry
■ Enabling/Disabling DHCP Security Features
■ Enabling/Disabling DHCP Pseudo-server Detection
■ Displaying and Debugging DHCP Relay
The server IP address is associated , through its DHCP server group, with a specific
VLAN interface. This implementation differs from others in which the server IP is a
global parameter.
Configuring a DHCP Server IP Address in a DHCP Server Group
You can set master and slave DHCP servers on a network segment to promote the
reliability of the device. The master and slave DHCP servers form a DHCP server
group. You can specify the IP addresses of the two servers using the following
Perform the following configuration in System view.
The backup server IP address cannot be configured independently, instead, it has
to be configured together with the master server IP address.
By default, the IP address of the DHCP Server is not configured. The DHCP Server
address must be configured before DHCP relay can be used.
Configuring the DHCP Server Group for the VLAN Interface
Perform the following configuration in VLAN interface view.
Table 8 Configure/Delete the IP Address of the DHCP Server
Operation Command
Configure the IP address for a DHCP Server dhcp-server groupNo ip ipaddress1 [
ipaddress2 ]
Remove all the IP addresses of the DHCP
Server (set the IP addresses of the primary and
secondary servers to 0).
undo dhcp-server groupNo
Table 9 Configure/Delete the Corresponding DHCP Server Group of VLAN Interface
Operation Command
Configure the DHCP server group for the
VLAN interface
dhcp-server groupNo
Delete the DHCP server group for the VLAN
undo dhcp-server