You must first define the corresponding ACL and configure the DSCP +
Conform-Level -> Service parameters mapping table before starting this
The DSCP + Conform-Level 0 -> Service parameters mapping table (the mapping
table for conform level 0) is used here.
See the Switch 8800 Command Reference Guide for details of the commands.
Configuring Traffic Redirection
Traffic redirection changes the packet forwarding direction, to CPU, other ports,
other IP or segment addresses.
Perform the following configurations in Ethernet interface or VLAN view.
Traffic redirection setting is only available for the permitted rules in the ACL.
The packet redirected to the CPU cannot be forwarded normally.
You can achieve policy route by selecting the next-hop keyword.
See the Switch 8800 Command Reference Guide for details of the commands.
Remove traffic priority setting which only
applies link group ACL
undo traffic-priority inbound link-group {
acl-number | acl-name } [ rule rule ]
Table 18 Configuring Traffic Redirection
Operation Command
Configure traffic redirection which only
applies IP group ACL
traffic-redirect inbound ip-group { acl-number |
acl-name } [ rule rule [ system-index index ] ] { cpu
| interface { interface-name | interface-type
interface-num } destination-vlan { l2-vpn | l3-vpn } |
next-hop ip-addr1 ip-addr2 }
Remove traffic redirection setting which
only applies IP group ACL
undo traffic-redirect inbound ip-group {
acl-number | acl-name } [ rule rule ]
Configure traffic redirection which
applies IP group ACL and link group ACL
at same time
traffic-redirect inbound ip-group { acl-number |
acl-name } { rule rule link-group { acl-number |
acl-name } [ rule rule [ system-index index ] ] |
link-group { acl-number | acl-name } rule rule } {
cpu | interface { interface-name | interface-type
interface-num } destination-vlan { l2-vpn | l3-vpn } |
next-hop ip-addr1 ip-addr2 }
Remove traffic redirection setting which
applies IP group ACL and link group ACL
at same time
undo traffic-redirect inbound ip-group {
acl-number | acl-name } { rule rule link-group {
acl-number | acl-name } [ rule rule ] | link-group {
acl-number | acl-name } rule rule }
Configure traffic redirection which only
applies link group ACL
traffic-redirect inbound link-group { acl-number
| acl-name } [ rule rule [ system-index index ] ] {
cpu | interface { interface-name | interface-type
interface-num } destination-vlan { l2-vpn | l3-vpn } |
next-hop ip-addr1 [ ip-addr2 ] }
Remove traffic redirection setting which
only applies link group ACL
undo traffic-redirect inbound link-group {
acl-number | acl-name } [ rule rule ]
Table 17 Configuring Traffic Priority
Operation Command