Configuring ACLs 209
■ Defining ACLs
■ Activating ACLs
3Com recommends you perform the configuration tasks in the order in which they
appear in this section.
Configuring Time Range The process of configuring a time-range includes configuring the hour-minute
range, date range, and period range. The hour-minute range is expressed in the
units of minutes and hour (hh:mm). The date range is expressed in the units of
date, month, and year (MM-DD-YYYY). The periodic time range is expressed by
the day of the week (Sunday through Saturday).
Perform the following configurations in system view.
When the start-time and end-time are not configured, they are set to define one
day. The end time must be later than the start time.
When the end-time end-date is not configured, it will be all the time from now to
the latest date that can be displayed by the system. The end time must be later
than the start time.
Defining and Applying a
Flow Template
Defining a Flow Template
A flow template defines useful information used in flow classification. For
example, a template defines a quadruple: source and destination IP, source and
destination TCP ports, and then only those traffic rules including all these elements
can be sent to target hardware and referenced for such QoS functions as packet
filtering, traffic policing, and priority re-labeling. Otherwise, the rules cannot be
activated on the hardware and referenced.
Perform the following configurations in system view.
Table 2 Configuring Time Range
Operation Command
Create time range time-range time-name { start-time to end-time
days-of-the-week [ from start-time start-date ] [ to
end-time end-date ] | from start-time start-date [ to
end-time end-date ] | to end-time end-date }
Delete time range undo time-range time-name [ start-time to
end-time days-of-the-week [ from start-time
start-date ] [ to end-time end-date ] | from
start-time start-date [ to end-time end-date ] | to
end-time end-date ]
Table 3 Defining a Flow Template
Operation Command
Define flow template flow-template user-defined { template-info | vpn }
Delete flow template undo flow-template user-defined