According to RFC2328, the consistency of hello intervals between network
neighbors should be kept. The hello interval value is in inverse proportion to the
route convergence rate and network load.
Perform the following configuration in VLAN interface view.
By default, P2P and broadcast interfaces send Hello packets every 10 seconds, and
P2MP and NBMA interfaces send the packets every 30 seconds.
Setting a Dead Timer for the Neighboring Routers
If hello packets are not received from a neighboring router, that router is
considered dead. The dead timer of neighboring routers refers to the interval after
which a router considers a neighboring router dead. You can set a dead timer for
the neighboring routers.
Perform the following configuration in VLAN interface view.
By default, the dead interval for the neighboring routers of P2P or broadcast
interfaces is 40 seconds and for the neighboring routers of P2MP or NBMA
interfaces is 120 seconds.
Both hello and dead timers restore the default values if you modify the network
Configuring an Interval Required for Sending LSU Packets
Trans-delay seconds should be added to the aging time of the LSA in an LSU
packet. Setting the parameter like this, the time duration that the interface
requires for transmitting the packet, is considered.
You can configure the interval for sending LSU messages. More attention should
be paid to this item on low speed networks.
Table 31 Setting Hello Timer and Poll Interval
Operation Command
Set the hello interval of the interface ospf timer hello seconds
Restore the default hello interval of the
undo ospf timer hello
Set the poll interval on the NBMA interface ospf timer poll seconds
Restore the default poll interval undo ospf timer poll
Table 32 Setting a Dead Timer for the Neighboring Routers
Operation Command
Configure a dead timer for the neighboring
ospf timer dead seconds
Restore the default dead interval of the
neighboring routers
undo ospf timer dead