32 Appendix C
2. In the tree pane, expand Server_name (where Server_name is the name of the
server), and then expand FTP Sites.
3. In the tree pane, right-click on Default FTP Site, and then select Properties to open
the Properties dialog box.
Figure 24 Properties - Security Accounts tab
4. Click the Security Accounts tab and be sure that the Allow Anonymous
Connections check box is selected.
Figure 25 Properties - Home Directory tab
5. Click the Home Directory tab and be sure that the Read, Write and Log visits check
boxes are selected.
6. Click Apply and then click OK.
7. Close the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager window.
8. The FTP server is now configured to accept incoming FTP requests. Copy or move the
files that you want to make available to the FTP publishing folder for access. The
default folder is drive:\Inetpub\ftproot (where drive is the drive on which IIS is installed).