White Rodgers 1F97W-51 Thermostat User Manual

Now that you are familiar with the thermostat
display and buttons, read the following informa-
tion to learn about the many features of the
RECOVERY (EMR) — The thermostat’s
microcomputer can be set to automatically
calculate the time it will take to change the
temperature to the next program setting.
Then the thermostat will activate the heat-
ing or cooling system to change the tem-
perature so that the desired temperature is
reached at the beginning of the next pro-
gram period. As an example of this feature,
assume that you have programmed your
thermostat to provide an overnight heating
temperature of 62°F, and that during the
next program period, beginning at 6:00 AM,
you have programmed a temperature of
70°F. The thermostat will automatically ac-
tivate the heating system at 5:00 AM, so that
the programmed 70°F temperature is
reached by about 6:00 AM.
The thermostat is configured at the factory
so that this feature is disabled. If you wish to
have this feature, refer to the installation
instructions for this thermostat, or contact
your local heating/cooling contractor.
— Press or until the display
shows the temperature you want. The ther-
mostat will override current programming
and keep the room temperature at the se-
lected temperature for two hours. After two
hours, the thermostat will automatically re-
vert to the program.