Whirlpool WHES20 Water System User Manual

Move the Water Softener into Place
1. Move the water softener into installation position. Set it on a level surface. If needed, place the
water softener on a section of plywood, a minimum of 3/4” thick. The n, shim under the plywood
to leve l the water sof tener, see Figure 7.
IMPORTANT: Do not place shims directly under the salt storage tank. The weight of the tan k, when
full of water and salt, may cause the tank to fracture at the shim.
Fi gure 7 (if needed for leveling)
2. Visually check and remove any debris from the water softener valve inlet and outlet ports.
3. Remove and discard the yellow plug and make sure the turbine assembly spins freely in the “out”
port of the va lve.
4. If not already done, put a light coating of silicone grease or petroleum jelly on the bypass valve
5. Push the bypass valve into the softener valve as far as it will go. Snap the two large holding clips
into place, from the top down as shown in Figure 8.
IMPORTANT: Be sure the clips snap firmly into place so the single valve bypass will not pull out.
correct assembly
outside diameter of clip chan-
nel on single valve bypass
outside diameter of water
softener valve i nlet and outlet
NOTE: Be sure all 3 tabs of the clip go through the matching holes
on the w ater softener valve inlet or outlet, and fully into the channel
Fi gure 8