Part number 550-110-282/1108
CGs-4E Gas-Fired Water Boiler — Boiler Manual
3 Systemorzonecirculator
7 Systemtemperaturevalves(seeinstructionstothe
left for adjusting valves)
8 Blendtemperaturegauge
9 Relief valve
sion tank), or connect to tank fitting (closed-type
expansion tank). DO NOT use an automatic air vent
when using closed-type expansion tank. It would
allow air to leave the system, causing waterlogging
of the expansion tank.
11 Fill valve
if used (For closed-type expansion tank, pipe from
top of air separator to tank fitting as in Figure 5,
page 15.)
Figure 12 System-bypass piping
Zoning with zone valve or circulators,
return water 130°F or higher.
(Alternative to boiler-bypass piping
Figures 10 and 11, page 21)
Figure 13 Piping refrigeration systems
Water piping — refrigeration systems
Prevent chilled water from entering
Install boiler so that chilled medium is piped in parallel
with the heating boiler. Use appropriate valves to prevent
Figure 13 for
typical installation of balancing valve and check valve.
If boiler is connected to heating coils located in air han-
dling units where they can be exposed to refrigerated
air, use flow control valves or other automatic means to
prevent gravity circulation during cooling cycle.
3d Piping — low temp systems (continued)