Service Model
Number Description
Fan-Powered Series Units
Digit 1, 2—Unit Type
VS VariTrane fan-powered series
Digit 3—Reheat
C Cooling Only
E Electric Heat
W Hot Water Heat
Digit 4—Development Sequence
F Sixth
Digit 5, 6—Primary Air Valve
04 4" inlet (225 max cfm)
05 5" inlet (350 max cfm)
06 6" inlet (500 max cfm)
08 8" inlet (900 max cfm)
10 10" inlet (1400 max cfm)
12 12" inlet (2000 max cfm)
14 14" inlet (3000 max cfm)
16 16" inlet (4000 max cfm)
Digit 7, 8—Secondary Air Valve
00 N/A
Digit 9—Fan
P 02SQ fan (700 nominal cfm)
Q 03SQ fan (1200 nominal cfm)
R 04SQ fan (1550 nominal cfm)
S 05SQ fan (1900 nominal cfm)
T 06SQ fan (2600 nominal cfm)
U 07SQ fan (3000 nominal cfm)
Fan Note: See fan curves for specific
Digit 10, 11—Design Sequence
J0 Design Sequence
(Factory assigned)
Digit 12, 13, 14, 15—Controls
ENON No controls, field-installed DDC
or analog
ENCL ENON with control enclosure
PNON No controls, field-installed
DD00 Trane elec actuator only
DD01 DDC – cooling only
DD02 DDC – N.C. on/off water control
DD03 DDC – prop hot water control
DD04 DDC – on/off electric heat
DD05 DDC – pulse-width modulation
electric heat control
DD07 DDC N.O. on/off hot water
DD11 LonTalk DDC Controller—
Cooling only
DD12 LonTalk DDC Controller w/ N.C.
on/off hot water control
DD13 LonTalk DDC Controller w/
proportional hot water control
DD14 LonTalk DDC Controller–on/off
electric heat control
DD15 LonTalk DDC Controller w/
pulse-width modulation electric
heat control
DD17 LonTalk DDC Controller w/ N.O.
on/off hot water control
FM00 FM customer actuator & control
FM01 FM Trane actuator w/ customer-
supplied controller
VMA2 FM Johnson controls VMA-1420
PWR1 FM Seimens 540-100 w/
GDE131.1P actuator
PWR4 FM Seimens 540-100 w/ Trane
PWR5 FM Seimens 540-100 w/
GDE131.1U actuator
AT01 FM Automated Logic U341V+
AT02 FM Automated Logic U141V+
EI71 Analog fan-powered series
with optional on/off reheat
PN00 PN – N.O. Trane pneumatic
actuator, R.A. stat
PN51 PN – N.O. PVR, duct pressure
switch, R.A. stat
PN52 PN – N.O. PVR, dual pressure
main, R.A. stat
N.C. = Normally-closed
N.O. = Normally-opened
DA Stat = Direct-acting pneumatic t-stat
(by others)
RA Stat = Reverse-acting pneumatic t-stat
(by others)
PN = Pneumatic
FM = Factory installation of customer-
supplied controller
PVR = Pneumatic Volume Regulator
Digit 16—Insulation
A 1/2" Matte-faced
B 1" Matte-faced
C 1/2" Foil-faced
D 1" Foil-faced
F 1" Double-wall
G 3/8" Closed-cell
Digit 17—Motor Type
D PSC Motor
E High-efficiency motor (ECM)
Digit 18—Motor Voltage
1 115/60/1
2 277/60/1
3 347/60/1
4 208/60/1
5 230/50/1
Digit 19—Outlet Connection
1 Flanged
2 Slip & Drive
Digit 20—Attenuator
0 None
W With
Digit 21—Water Coil
0 None
3 1-Row–Discharge installed, LH
4 1-Row–Discharge installed, RH
5 2-Row–Discharge installed, LH
6 2-Row–Discharge installed, RH
Digit 22—Electrical Connections
L Left
R Right
Water Coil and Electrical Connections
Note: Airflow hitting you in the face.
Digit 23—Transformer
0 N/A (provided as standard)
Digit 24—Disconnect Switch
0 None
W With
Note: VSCF, VSWF – Toggle Disconnect
VSEF – Door Interlocking Power
Digit 25—Power Fuse
0 None
W With
Digit 26—Electric Heat Voltage
0 None
A 208/60/1
B 208/60/3
C 240/60/1
D 277/60/1
E 480/60/1
F 480/60/3
G 347/60/1
H 575/60/3
J 380/50/3
K 120/60/1