A.0500.551 – IM-TGMAG/02.00 EN (02/2008)
3.7.3 Influences
The real sound level of the pump unit can for several reasons deviate from the values listed in the
tables above.
• Noiseproductiondecreaseswhenpumpinghighviscosityliquidsduetobetterlubricatingand
damping properties. Moreover the resistance torque of the idler is increasing due to higher liquid
friction which results in lower vibration amplitude.
• Noiseproductionincreaseswhenpumpinglowviscosityliquidscombinedwithlowworking
pressure because the idler can move freely (lower charge, lower liquid friction) and the liquid
does not dampen much.
• Vibrationsinpiping,vibratingofthebaseplateetc.willmaketheinstallationproducemorenoise.
3.8 Maximum and minimum allowable temperature
The maximum allowable temperature of the pumped medium is 260°C but the temperature limits
must be considered depending on the material used for the idler bearing bush, O-ring material and
material of the permanent magnets used in the magnetic coupling. The minimum allowable tempera-
ture is -20° for cast iron and -40°C for stainless steel casing parts.
3.9 Jacket options
S-jackets are designed for use with saturated steam or with non-dangerous media. They are
provided with cylindrical threaded connections according to ISO 228-I.
Maximum temperature: 200°C
Maximum pressure: 10 bar
T-jackets are designed for use with thermal oil and apply to the DIN4754 safety standard for
thermal oil transfer. This DIN standard specifies flange connections for temperature from 50°C
upwards and jackets of ductile material for temperature from 200°C upwards. Both are provided
in the T-design.
T-jackets could also be used for over heated steam or more dangerous media.
The flanges have a special shape with welding neck based on PN16 dimensions.
Maximum temperature: 260°C
Maximum pressure at 260°C: 12 bar
3.10 Internals
3.10.1 Bush materials
Overview of bush materials and application field
Material Code S C B H U Q
Material Steel Carbon Bronze Ceramic Hard metal Silicon Carbide
if yes to maximum working pressure = 16 bar
if no 6 bar (*) 10 bar (*) 6 bar (*) 6 bar (*) 10 bar (*) 10 bar (*)
Corrosive resistance Fair Good Fair Excellent Good Good
Abrasive resistance Slight None None Good Good Good
Dry running allowed No Yes Moderate No No No
Sensitive to thermal shock No No No Yes dT<90°C No No
Sensitive to blistering in oil No > 180°C No No No No
Oil aging No No > 150°C No No No
Food processing allowed Yes No (antimony) No (lead) Yes Yes Yes
(*) These are not absolute figures. Higher or lower values possible in function of the application, expected life-
time etc.