G8860 _4 Installation Manual NZ
28.0 Installation Check List:
1 Ensure there is adequate ventilation in the cavity.
2 Ensure the spark electrodes are correctly positioned.
3 Operating pressure checked with heater running on full (all
burners operating) and all other gas appliances in the house
switched on.
4 Flue Draw checked, 5 minutes after start up.
5 Logs in correct position.
6 Coals spread along front burner.
7 Heater run on high for 60 minutes with house doors and
windows open to clear smell of paint and oils initial burn.
8 Hearth and mantle clearances comply with these instructions.
9 No combustible materials any closer to heater than these
instructions allow.
10 Heater fixed to wall and floor.
11 Leak test all joints and pressure test points. Soapy water drop
test done on pipe work. ________
12 Wall mount cradle screwed to wall.
13 House holder has been shown how to operate heater.
14 Operator manual has been left out for house holder, installer
has filled in their own details and heater serial number into
warranty card.
15 Ensure adequate access to power flue units.
16 If using a Power flue unit, make sure the electrical tray is
wired up correctly.
17 Inform the customer that the fire may continue smelling for a
while after installation depending on frequency & duration of
18 Given House Holder Plumbing Industry Commission
Compliance Certificate.______________________________
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