Sears 385. 564180 Sewing Machine User Manual

Adjusting Thread Tension
1. Set the tension dials as shown on
page 33,
2. Sew and check the tensions,
-- For better result -
Rolled Hemming
Pull the end of thread chain to the
back lightly in the beginning and end
of sewing,
Picot Edging
Pull the fabric lightly to the back
while sewing.
How to Adjust the Thread Tension
e For Rolled Hemming and Picot Edging
Wrong Tension
,%_.,._ Needle thread =s loose.
t ::::::=, .__@x,,, . :_.:,. Upper
:-:::, : _htead::::_ ::,:'::
Tighten needle thread tension.
Wrong Tension
_Upper looper thread is loose.
i:!_[_,!i{AlO,s, kl:lilgi_:_._:,,!;4t.;i_iisliIi.......
!i: i:ii!:i iii:ilildi:i_
Tighten upper looper thread tension.
Wrong Tension
:}_i_)we, r looper thread Is loose and/or
_!_:B_g£ thread is tight,
!_"_-14::-_IQi:.,,-l%>d_ _:=='Y_ll='l
:::: :: :::: :t_fead: :::::_
Tighten lower looper thread tension
Needle thread "_
tension (R}
Upper looper Lower looper
thread tension thread tension
Needie thread
tension I R}
Upper looper Lower looper
thread tension thread tens=on
and/or loosen upper looper thread
Needle tt'_rcad "_
tension {R)
Upp_r looper Lower looper
thread lension thread tension
For Narrow Hemming
Refer to page 25 for the adiustment.