User’s Guide Rev. 1.02
Descriptions of the Camera Commands (Device code: 100000);
(The underline settings are the factory default settings)
Command No.
Command Description
20H: [7..0]
[Exposure mode] Initial data: 00H
Sets the exposure mode, which is the AGC, the shutter mode and the iris lens control method.
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D7 to D4:
No Function Always set as “0000”
D3: AGC 0: OFF (Fixed gain) 1: ON (AGC)
D2: Shutter Mode 0: OFF (Fixed shutter) 1: ON (Auto shutter)
D1: Iris Lens Control Method 0: OFF (Manual control) 1: ON (Auto control)
D0: No Function Always set as “0”
21H: [7..0]
[AGC maximum limit] Initial data: 255, data range: 0 to 255
Sets the maximum limit for the AGC.
23H: [7..0]
24H: [15..8]
25H: [20..16]
[Upper limit of the electronic shutter for auto shutter]
Initial data: 11,122; data range: 0 to 16,777,215
Sets the upper limit of the electronic shutter for the auto shutter as usecond.
26H: [7..0]
27H: [15..8]
28H: [20..16]
[Lower limit of the electronic shutter for auto shutter]
Initial data: 11,122; data range: 0 to 16,777,215
Sets the upper limit of the electronic shutter for the auto shutter as usecond.
29H: [7..0]
[Weight1 for ALC] Initial data: 11H
Sets the weight for ALC weight area 1 and 2.
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D7 to D4:
Weight for ALC weight area 2 1 Range: 0 to 15
D3 to D0:
Weight for ALC weight area 1 1 Range: 0 to 15
*Please set the ALC weight area with “30H to 3FH”
2AH: [7..0]
[Weight2 for ALC] Initial data: 11H
Sets the weight for ALC weight area 3 and 4.
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D7 to D4:
Weight for ALC weight area 4 1 Range: 0 to 15
D3 to D0:
Weight for ALC weight area 3 1 Range: 0 to 15
*Please set the ALC weight area with “30H to 3FH”