PVI Industries PV500-12 Water Heater User Manual

PV500-12 08/12 19
A terminal strip for the remote connection is located behind the hinged control panel at the top of the cabinet and
is accessed by removing the bottom cover and then removing the screws at the top of the hinged cover. The
following describes the functions of each of these terminals and the factory-installed options required to activate
the terminals:
WARNING: Turn off all electrical service to the appliance when accessing the remote connections
located inside the control cabinet. These terminals are High Voltage. If the electrical service is not turned
off and these terminals are touched, a dangerous shock causing personal injury or loss of life could
occur. Close and fasten the control cabinet cover before restoring electrical service to the appliance
Terminals A1-A2 and P1-P2 are functional only when equipped with the factory installed option required to
activate the terminals.
Terminals R1-R2 and C1-C2 are standard pre-wired functions on all models.
CAUTION: Do not use single strand bell wire for remote field connections to terminals R1-R2 and C1-C2. Use
only multi-strand copper wire. See table below for wire length and gauge:
R1-R2: Used to activate /de-activate appliance from remote master control.
Terminals are provided for wiring to a relay in a remote controller or Energy
Management System. When the remote relay closes, the circuit from R1 to R2 is completed
and appliance controls are enabled. Remove the supplied jumper between terminals, if
remote activation/de-activation is used.
Option Code Required: NONE (provided as standard on this appliance)
A1-A2: Used to activate a remote alarm signaling shutdown of combustion control
Provides a maximum 10 amp relay contact closure when flame safeguard terminates
combustion due to any fault tripping, such as: air proving switch, high limit switch, flame
sensor, etc. that are normally proved after a call for heat.
Option Code Required: NONE (provided as standard on this appliance)
P1-P2: Activates remote equipment and requires confirmation signal back to the appliance.
Provides a maximum 10 amp relay contact closure to activate a remote device, such as
mechanical room air louvers, draft inducer or power venter. The remote device must
complete the circuit between terminals C1-C2 with a proving switch or relay, prior to the
appliance being able to energize.
Option Code Required: LOUVR (Relay With Contacts To Operate Air Damper Or
Mechanical Draft)
C1-C2: Used for proving operation of remote device.
Terminals are provided for wiring to a remote proving switch or relay on devices such as a
power venter and/or exhaust fan. When the proving switch or relay closes, the circuit from C1
to C2 is completed and appliance controls are enabled. Remove jumper between terminals, if
remote proving is used.
Option Code Required: NONE (provided as standard on this appliance)
T1-T2: Not Used
Wire Gauge 18 GA 16GA 14 GA 12 GA
Maximum Length 30 FT 50 FT 75 FT 100 FT