1 Toselectthesilentmode,presstheMODEbuttononeormore
times until the SILENT light goes on.
Note: In SILENT mode, the fan operates very quietly and the fan speed lights
are out.
When the air quality in the room is very bad, for example when somebody
is smoking in the room, you can use the boost power mode to purify the
air quickly.
Note: You can use the BOOST POWER mode with or without air humidication.
1 ToselecttheBOOSTPOWERmode,presstheMODEbuttonone
or more times until the BOOST POWER light goes on.
, The appliance now operates at an extra high speed to purify the air
AUTO mode
When the appliance operates in AUTO mode, it automatically adjusts its
fan speed to the air quality sensed by the built-in air quality sensor.
Note: You can use the AUTO mode with or without air humidication.
1 ToselecttheAUTOmode,presstheMODEbuttononeormore
times until the AUTO light goes on.
, One of the fan speed lights goes on to show the current fan speed.
Note: When the appliance is operating in another mode and you want to
activate the AUTO mode, simply press the AUTO button.
Night mode
The appliance operates in harmony with its surroundings. In AUTO mode,
the appliance automatically switches to night mode when the room in
which it is operating has been dark for 3 minutes. In night mode, the
appliance operates at SILENT speed and the SILENT light is on. If the timer
is set, the HOUR light is also on. The fan speed and noise level are reduced
and the energy consumption is minimised. If the room becomes bright