4 Pelco Manual C1456M-D (10/98)
Manual # Date Comments
C1456M 3/97 Original version.
4/97 Added instructions for assembling T-rail clip for metal
panel per ECO 97-134.
C1456M-A 4/97 Revision A. Added pendant models.
5/97 Added standard heater and sun shield.
C1456M-B 7/97 Added Rev. 2 software features and low-temperature
9/97 Added note in Sections 3.2 and 5.1 about minimum
voltage requirement. In Section 4.1 added instructions for
sealing pendant dome from moisture. In Section 5.2 added
paragraph about pan/tilt operation with fixed-speed
controllers. Changed the minimum specification for the low-
temperature heater from -40°F (-40°C) to -60°F
(-51°C). Revised input power requirements.
12/97 In Section 1.2.2, added pipe sealant to parts list. In
Section 2.1.2, removed models with an “L” in the suffix;
removed heater kits; moved SD5-SS to Section 2.2. In
Section 2.2, added WX24. In Section 3.2, removed power
requirement for models with standard heater (obsolete);
emphasized that power ratings are “per dome.” In Table B,
removed column for 22-gauge wire. In Table C, removed
references to Spectra
working with CM9501. In Section
4.1, added note about moisture condensation. In Section
5.3 added note about zoom speed. In Section 5.7, added
patterns for CM6700. In Section 5.8, added note about
using presets without alarms. Added Section 5.11.15.
Revised Section 7.0. In Section 9, revised power and
temperature specifications. Throughout manual, removed
references to RS-485 control.
12/97 Section 1.1, Important Safeguards and Warnings, up-
dated to include French translation for CUL certification.
C1456M-C 4/98 Added Section 1.2, Regulatory Notices. Added in-ceiling
model exploded drawing in Section 1.3.1 and pendant
model exploded drawing in Section 1.3.2. In Section 2.1,
removed reference to standard and low-temperature
heaters. In Section 2.2, removed material on options and
added certification material. In Section 3.1.2, removed
optional metal panel reference in the Caution. Removed
Section 3.1.3 documentation on the optional suspended
ceiling panel and revised Figures 4 and 5 to reflect the
change. Changed the example in Section 3.2 to 90vA from
80vA. Revised Table B. Revised item 1 in Section 3.3 to
remove references to the metal panel. In Section 4.0,
revised the note and the installation instructions to include
information about sealing against moisture and condensa-
tion. In Section 4.2, added reference to pendant conduit
adapter. In Section 5.8, revised the note and documenta-
tion to include additional information and cautioning about
using alarm presets for multiple uses. Added Section 7.2,
Service Manual. Moved Section 8.0, Exploded Assembly
Diagrams to new service manual, C1455SM. Changed
manual pagination.
5/98 Revised Section 4.1 and Figures 3, 14, and 16 because
of modification to top mount.