Furnace Inspection Report
Please Write In Appropriate
Electrical Wiring (If single circuit, write “N/A” in circuit B) Circuit A Circuit B
Breaker Size?
Furnace Wire Size?
Thermostat Wire Size?
Please Circle Appropriate
Is the furnace grounded properly? Yes No N/A
Is wiring routed safely with approved connectors? Yes No N/A
Closet Installation
Is front clearance a minimum of 6 inches? Yes No N/A
Is return air opening a minimum of 235 sq. inches? Yes No N/A
Is front clearance less than 6 inches (minimum of 1 inch)? Yes No N/A
Is return air opening a minimum of 250 sq. inches? Yes No N/A
Does the furnace have the 5-ton AC coil installed? Yes No N/A
Is the return air opening a minimum of 390 sq inches? Yes No N/A
Plenum (Base) Connector
Is mounting plate secured properly? Yes No N/A
Is furnace locked and secured in front? Yes No N/A
Is plenum free of debris? Yes No N/A
Has plenum opening been reduced in size to accommodate
Yes No N/A
Has plenum spacer been removed if duct size is large enough? Yes No N/A
Is someone in the plant trained to perform duct tests? Yes No N/A
VentilAire III __ IV__
Is VentilAire duct connected properly to furnace? Yes No N/A
Is depressurization vent (if required) installed properly? Yes No N/A
Is roof assembly installed properly? Yes No N/A
Is roof assembly a minimum of 3 inches from any other vents? Yes No N/A
Is fi lter in place? Yes No N/A
Is owner’s packet included? Yes No N/A
Checked storage area for damage to product and proper
Yes No N/A
Is installation in accordance with installation instructions? Yes No N/A