Napoleon Fireplaces NZ6000 Indoor Fireplace User Manual

W415-0594 / A / 02.15.07
The first flue offset closest to the top of the unit
must be a minimum distance of 12" from the top
of the fireplace.
Attach an elbow to the chimney section, angled toward the
offset. Secure with 3 - #8X1/2" sheet metal screws. To
achieve the minimum offset, attach and secure a second
elbow. To achieve longer offsets, you may install any
available length of chimney pipe between the elbows to a
maximum length of 4'.
Supports must be used on the first vertical chimney sec-
tion after a return elbow.
Remove the nails from the shingles above and to the sides
of the chimney. Place the flashing over the chimney pipe
and slide underneath the sides and upper edge of the
shingles. Ensure that the chimney pipe is properly centered
within the flashing, giving a 3/4" margin all around. Fasten
to the roof on the top and sides. DO NOT NAIL through the
lower portion of the flashing. Make weather-tight by seal-
ing with caulking. Where possible, cover the sides and top
edges of the flashing with roofing material. Apply water-
proof caulking, provided with the flashing, around the chim-
ney, 1" above the top of the flashing and push the storm
collar down into the caulking. Insert a rain cap onto the top
of the last chimney section.