FIG. 10 Vent Termination from Peaked Roof 10’ or Less
from Ridge
FIG. 11 Vent Termination from Peaked Roof More Than 10’
from Ridge
The vent terminal should be vertical and exhaust
outside the building at least 2 feet (0.61m) above the
high est point of the roof within a 10 foot (3.05m) radius
of the termination. The vertical termination must be a
minimum of 3 feet (0.91m) above the point of exit.
A vertical terminal less than 10 feet (3.05m) from a
parapet wall must be a minimum of 2 feet (0.61m)
higher than the parapet wall.
FIG. 12 Vent Termination from Flat Roof 10’ or Less from
Parapet Wall
FIG. 13 Vent Termination from Flat Roof More Than 10’ from
Parapet Wall
The vent cap should have a minimum clearance of 4
feet (1.22m) horizontally from and in no case above or
below, unless a 4 foot (1.22m) horizontal distance is
maintained from electric meters, gas meters, reg u la tors
and relief equipment.
The venting system shall terminate at least 3 feet (0.9m)
above any forced air inlet within 10 feet (3.05m).
The venting system shall terminate at least 4 feet (1.2m)
below, 4 feet (1.2m) horizontally from, or 1 foot (30cm)
above any door, window or gravity air inlet into any
Do not terminate the vent in a window well, stair well,
alcove, courtyard or other recessed area. The vent can
not terminate below grade. The bot tom of the vent
terminal shall be located at least 12 inches (30cm)
above grade.