The condition of the rope gasket around the door and
windows should be checked periodically and replaced or
repaired if necessary. A one-inch strip of paper may be
used to perform a test of the integrity of the door seal.
Close the door on the paper in at least eight points (see
illustration, “Door Rope Gasket”). It is normal to feel only
a slight amount of friction. The door gasket does not need
to be “tight” in all areas, since a small amount of leakage
is not hazardous or detrimental to the performance of
your stove.
Door Rope Gasket
(check seal at points indicated)
* (Minimum Frequency of 1 year)
Checking Door Seal
Important Note: Paper should be no longer than a
dollar bill.
When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar and other
organic vapors, which combine with expelled moisture to
form creosote. The creosote vapors condense in the
relatively cool chimney flue of a slow-burning fire. As a
result, creosote residue accumulates on the flue lining.
When ignited this creosote makes an extremely hot fire.
The chimney connector and chimney should be in-
spected at least once every two months during the heat-
ing season to determine if a creosote buildup has oc-
If creosote has accumulated it should be removed to re-
duce the risk of a chimney fire.
Window Wash
Periodically remove five screws, which secure the win-
dow wash bracket to the door frame, using a 1/4” socket.
Lift out the widow wash bracket, and set aside. Using a
small brush, sweep out all debris buildup from behind the
window wash bracket. After all debris has been removed
re-attach the window wash bracket. Inspect the window
wash gap to ensure that it is open and even from side to
side. A restricted or blocked gap will decrease the effec-
tiveness of the window wash.
Remove Window Wash Bracket (5 screws)
Sweep Away Debris from Behind Window Wash Bracket
* (Minimum Frequency of 1 year)