Supply water pressure limits ........................ 40 - 125 psi
Supply water temperature limits ..................... 40 - 100 °F
Maximum total dissolved solids (TDS) ............... 2000 ppm
Maximum water hardness @ 6.9 pH ................. 10 gpg
Maximum iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide ......... 0
Chlorine in water supply (max. ppm) ................ 2.0
Supply water pH limits (pH) ........................ 4 - 10
Product (quality) water, 24 hours _ ................. 5 gal.
Waste water per gallon of product water Q ........... 5 gal.
Percent rejection of TDS, minimum (new membrane) O 90 - 95
Storage tank capacity (max.) ....................... 2.3 gal.
Automatic shutoff control ........................... yes
280 - 860 kPa
5 - 40°C
18.9 liters
18.9 liters
8.7 liters
_) feed water supply at 50 psi, 77 °F,and 750 TDS Quality water production, amount of waste
water and percent rejection all vary with changes in pressure, temperature and total dissolved solids.