Review this table to find do-it-yourself solutions for minor performance problems_ Any
service needed, other than maintenance described in this Use & Care Guide, should be
performed by a Sears or other qualified service agenL
Disconnect electrical supply before performing maintenance to the vacuum cleaner.
Failure to do so could result in electrical shock or personal injury.
Vacuum cleaner
won't run
Vacuum cieaner picks
up moveable rugs or
pushes too hard.
Agitator does not
Airflow restricted
with altachment use;
sound changes_
t, Unplugged at walt outlet,
2, Tripped circuit breaker/blown fus_
at household service panel
3. Thermal protector trtpped_
4, Defective wall outlet
1, Fuil or clogged dust bag,
2o Wrong pile height setting°
3, Worn agitator.
4_ Clogged nozzle or bag holder,
5_ Clogged hose°
6. Hole in hose.
Z Hose not inserted fully,
8_ Motor protection system
9_ Dirty filters,
t, Wrong ptte height setting-
L Handle in full upright position,
2, Agitator oveHoad tripped
3, Thermal protector tripped,
t, Attachment use restricts aft flow
2, New carpet fuzz clogged air path
1o Plug in flrmly, so{oct the
desired setting on the touch
2. Reset circuit breaker or replace
3_ Atbw vacuum cleaner to cool
40-50 minutes
4_ Cl_eck with a good appliance or
tamp Have outlet properly
1. Change bag.
2o Adjust setting,
3o Replace agitator,
section of this Use & Care Guide_
5,. Check for clogs,
6, Replace hose.
7, Insert hose full't_
B. Check for clogs_
9o Clean or change motor
safety filter and exhaust filter,
1_ Adj_ustsetting,
L Move handle fromupright
2_ Resetagitator overload protector
3._Allow vacuum cleanerto cool
40-50 minutes.
Io Checkattachements for fuzz,
llnt,pet hair or otherdebris_
2o Clean outhose. SeeCLOG
REMOVALsection of thisUse&
Care Guide.
Vacuum Cleaner Help Line:
8=00am-5:00pm EST,M-F
(UoS,A. andCanada)