76 Audio Command Center Series Manual — P/N 51889:E1 6/8/2010
Operating Instructions Operation
Annunciation of Remote Telephone Locations (MS-9600 or MS-9200UDLS
In addition to the operation described in Section , ”Communication on the Telephone Loop”, one
of the 24 corresponding FFT LEDs on the ACC-FFT keypad will illuminate to indicate which
remote FFT location in the building has the handset installed.
4.5.12 Trouble Condition Response
All trouble conditions are fully supervised in standby and alarm unless otherwise noted and will
cause the following to occur (note that response to AC loss will depend on the setting of S3 switch
8 as shown in Table 2.3 on page 34):
Deenergize the trouble relay causing the contacts to transfer
Turn on local piezo
Turn on the system Trouble LED
Open CMD1 input - ONLY if CMD1 is not in the alarm state
In addition to the above trouble responses, the following troubles will cause the specific responses
AC Loss
• Turn off the AC PWR LED on the main circuit board
• Deenergize AC Loss Relay on the main circuit board (immediate, 2 hour or 6 hour delay
depending on S3 DIP switch 4 & 5 position)
• Deenergize Form-C Trouble and CMD1 contacts if S3 switch 8 is OFF (refer to Table 2.3 on
page 34)
Battery Trouble (low or no battery)
• Turn on the Battery Trouble LED on the main circuit board
Charger Trouble
• Turn on the Charger Trouble LED on the main circuit board
Ground Fault
• Turn on the Ground Fault LED on the main circuit board when zero impedance to ground is
Microphone Fault
• Turn on the Microphone Trouble LED on the keypad
Tone Generator Fault
• Turn on the Tone Generator Trouble LED on the keypad
Message Generator Trouble
• Turn on the Message Generator Trouble LED on the keypad
CMD1 or CMD2 (Indicated by the System Trouble LED)
• Both inputs are supervised for open circuit condition when unit is programmed for Normally
Open contacts, otherwise supervision is provided by the host Fire Alarm Control Panel NAC
CMD3, CMD4, and CMD5 (Indicated by the System Trouble LED)
• All inputs are supervised for open circuit condition
Master Command (Indicated by the System Trouble LED)
• Polarity reversal circuit supervised for open and short circuits while in standby only.