14 HP ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment Pack—Windows Edition Support Matrix
Supported Storage Area Network Connectivity
Storage Area Network (SAN) driver support for deploying servers that connect to a SAN and
servers that boot from a SAN is provided for the following operating systems:
• Windows 2000 Server
• Windows Server 2003
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 4 for x86
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 for x86
• SUSE LINUX Enterprise Linux 9 Service Pack 1 for x86
SAN driver support is specifically for the following servers:
Table 6: ProLiant Servers Supporting SAN Drivers
ProLiant BL20p G2 ProLiant BL30p
ProLiant BL20p G3 ProLiant BL35p
ProLiant BL25p
SAN connectivity is not supported for Windows 2000 Server and Windows
Server 2003 operating systems.
Manual procedures are required to create the SAN storage and to set up the server hardware
to boot from the SAN. For more information, refer to the Rapid Deployment Pack
Knowledge Base at
http://www.hp.com/servers/rdp/kb (Articles 105 and 127).