This setting will produce medium heat with the Dis-
tribution Blower on "low".
This setting will produce a room temperature of 70 de-
grees with the Distribution Blower at "medium" speed.
This setting will produce continuous maximum heat output
with the Distribution Blower at full speed.
Fig. 16
When to use "Stove Temp Mode"
In "Stove Temp Mode" the control will regulate
the re to match a constant exhaust temperature,
based on the #1 thru 7 settings on the inner portion
of the temp dial. Heat output and fuel consumption
will remain constant. This makes it possible to tell
how long a hopper full of coal will last. The distri-
bution blower speed can be varied according to the
position of the mode selector, between "low" and
"high", g. 16.
When to use "Room Temp Mode"
In "Room Temp Mode" heat output is controlled
automatically by use of the Room Sensing Probe.
When the Room Sensing Probe calls for heat, the
stove will increase output. When the Room Sens-
ing Probe is getting close to the set temperature,
the stove will begin to level off output and keep the
re burning at just the right temperature to maintain
that setting. If the temperature in the room exceeds
the set point, the stove will idle on a low burn until
more heat is needed.
High output is determined by the Feed Rate.
The maximum Feed Rate should be set for 1
" to
2" of ash in front of the re.
In "Room Temp Mode" fuel consumption is
sacriced for exact room temperature. Therefore,
as it gets colder, more coal will be burned automati-
The distribution blower speed can be varied
according to the position of the mode selector.
Keep coal off
Fig 17