First Alert FA1600C Home Security System User Manual

– 8 –
System Overview (cont’d)
Master Keypad Operation
A "Master" keypad is one on which the status of all 8 partitions is
displayed simultaneously. A user can get more information about a
certain partition by simply entering
+ the desired partition
number (1-8). To log on to the "Master" partition (9) using the GOTO
command, a user must have access to all partitions.
Self-Help Feature
Abbreviated user's instructions are built into the system that can be
easily viewed on the alpha keypad's message display screen. This
feature will prove particularly useful if this manual is not
conveniently accessible when you need to perform a system procedure
with which you are not familiar.
To view the abbreviated instructions:
Simply press and hold down the function key of interest until the
description starts to appear (about 5 seconds) and then release it.
Refer to the FUNCTIONS OF THE KEYPAD section for
descriptions of each key function.
Phone Access & Voice Response Capability
Your system may include a 4285 or 4286 VIP module that will permit
you to access the system via a Touch-tone phone, either on-premises
or by call-in when away. The phone access feature will enable you to
do the following:
Receive synthesized voice messages over the telephone regarding
the status of the security system.
Arm and disarm the system and perform most function commands
via the telephone, with voice confirmation provided after each
command entry.
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