First Alert 1501 Home Security System User Manual

Operating Menus
Model 1501 User's Manual
Click the MOBILE icon on the Advanced Setup to display the set up screen. Select the
mobile network option: 2.5, 2.75G, or 3G. The transport speed in 2.5G mobile network is
3 fps and the picture resolution is 160 x 120. The transport speed in 2.75G is 10 fps in 3G
is 15 fps. Click APPLY to save the new parameters.
Click the MAINTAIN icon on the Advanced Setup to display the set up screen. Click
APPLY to save the new parameters.
AUTO RESET Select ON to automatically restart system at
scheduled time
SETTINGS Select update frequency
SYSTEM UPDATE Click to updating system firmware
DEFAULT SETTING Click to recover factory settings
RESTART Click to reboot the system