CertainTeed Vinyl Siding Installation Guide
For installations that include soffit
Nail the undersill trim in place along the top of the fascia board.
Then nail F-channel along the bottom outside surface of the fascia
board (shown).
The fascia panel will have to be rip cut to fit over the fascia board
and F-channel. To determine the width of the panel, measure from
the slot in the undersill trim to the bottom of the F-channel. Deduct
1/4" and cut (shown).
Use a snap lock punch to create tabs 1/8" below cut edge. Punch
tabs every 6", with the tabs raised on the outside face of the panel.
Install the panel by hooking the bottom of the fascia panel under
the F-channel and pushing the top into the undersill trim (shown).
Continue to install the fascia as described on the previous page.
Aluminum fascia
The techniques used to install aluminum fascia panels are similar to
those used with vinyl—with three exceptions.
There is no special undersill trim to use with aluminum fascia.
Aluminum fascia is made without nail slots, so you have to
pay attention to proper nailing techniques. And corners are
handled differently.
Install drip edge, gutter, or all-purpose trim along the top of the
fascia board to receive the top edge of the fascia panel.
Slip the fascia panel in place. Then nail the underside of the panel.
Nail every 24", keeping the nails lined up with the soffit V-grooves.
For best appearance, first drill a slightly oversized hole. Nail the
fascia with painted trim nails, using a light touch.
At the outside corners, bend a 1" flange at a 90° angle so it turns
the corner. Then cut the overlapping fascia at a 45° angle. Position
the panels and nail.
NOTE: If you need a piece of nonstandard size fascia, use a
portable brake to form it from aluminum trim sheet. Install
and nail using the same techniques you used with standard
fascia panels.
undersill trim
minus 1/4"