Craftsman 139.53920D Garage Door Opener User Manual

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To reduce the risk of SEVERE iNJURY or DEATH:
2 ALWAYSkeepremotecontrolsoutof reachof children.
NEVERpermitchildren to operateor playwith garage
door contro_pushbuttonsor remotecontrols
3. ONLYactivategaragedoor whenit canbeseenctearly,it
isproperlyadiusted,andthereareno obstructionsto
door travel.
4. ALWAYSkeepgaragedoor insight unti! completely
6 ifpossible,useemergencyreleasehandieto disengage
trolley ONLYwhengaragedoor isCLOSEDWeakor
brokensprings or unbalanceddoor could resultin an
opendoorfailing rapidly and/orunexpectedly
7. NEVERuseemergencyreleasehandleunlessgarage
doorway is clearof personsandobstructions
8. NEVERusehandleto pull garagedoor openor closed if
ropeknot becomesuntied,you couidfall.
g. if one control (forceor travel limits) is adjusted,the
othercontrol mayalso needadiustment
l& After ANYadjustmentsare made,thesafety reversal
tl. SafetyreversaisystemMUSTbetestedeverymonth.
Garagedoor mustreverseon contactwith 1-1/2"high
(3 8 cm) object(or a 2x4 laid flat) on thefloor
(seepage3) An improperlybalanceddoor may not
reversewhenrequiredandcould resultin SEVERE
13. Ali repairsto canes, springassembliesand other
hardware,all of which areunder EXTREMEtension,
MUSTbemadeby a traineddoor systemstechnician
14. ALWAYSdisconnectelectricpowerto garagedoor
openerBEFOREmakinganyrepairsor removing
Using Your Garage Door Opener
Your Security+ _opener and hand-held remote
control have been factory-set to a matching code
which changes with each use, randomly accessing
over 100 billion new codes. Your opener will operate
with up to eight Security÷ _ remote controls and one
Security÷ _ Keyless Entry System. If you purchase a
new remote, or if you wish to deactivate any remote,
follow the instructions in the Programming section.
Activate your opener with any of the following:
. The hand-held Remote Control,:'Hold the large
push button down until the door starts to move
The wall-mounted Door Control,:Hold the push
button or bar down until the door starts to move.
The Keyless Entry (See Accessories): If provided
with your garage door opener, it must be
programmed before use_See Programming..
When the opener is activated (with the safety
reversing sensor correctly installed and aligned)
1..If open, the door wil! close. If closed, it will open.
2..If closing, the door wil! reverse.
3. If opening, the door will stop
4 If the door has been stopped in a partially open
position, it will close.
5. If obstructed while closing, the door will reverse., if
the obstruction interrupts the sensor beam, the
opener lights will blink for five seconds.
6, If obstructed while opening, the door will stop.
7. If fully open, the door will not close when the beam
is broken. The sensor has no effect in the opening
If the sensor is not installed, or is misaligned, the
door won't close from a hand-held remote. However,
you can close the door with the Door Control, the
Outdoor Key Switch, or Keyless Entry, ffyou activate
them until down travel is complete If you release
them too soon, the door will reverse.
The opener lights will turn on under the following
conditions: when the opener is initially plugged in;
when power is restored after interruption; when the
opener is activated
They will turn off automatically after 4-1/2 minutes
Bulb size is A19. Bulb power is 75 watts maximum.