Continental BCDV42N Indoor Fireplace User Manual

W415-0385 / A / 10.02.03
4. Cradle the notch on the bottom of the left crossover log
(#4) around the left outermost grate post and the top into
the pocket provided on the back log. Position the notch
located on the end of the center log (#5) against the middle
grate post with the other end of the log resting in the pocket
of the left crossover log.
5. Place the bottom of the right crossover log (#6) against
the right outermost grate post. The post should rest in the
pocket formed by the knot and the top into the pocket pro-
vided on the center log (#5).
Randomly place the charcoal embers along the front and
sides of the log support tray in a realistic manner. Fine
dust found in the bottom of the bag should not be used.
Sprinkle vermiculite around the charcoal embers.
Note: Both charcoal embers and vermiculite are not to
be placed on the burner.
Place the lumps between the logs in a realistic manner
taking care not to block any of the burner ports.
logs and glowing embers, exclusive to Conti-
nental Fireplaces, provide a unique and realistic glowing
effect that is different in every installation. Take the time to
carefully position the glowing embers for a maximum glow-
ing effect. Log colours may vary. During the initial use of the
fireplace, the colours will become more uniform as colour
pigments burn in during the heat activated curing process.
1. Place the back log (#1) onto the log support tray and in
front of the tabs. The tabs maintain an air space between
the log and firebox back to facilitate combustion air flow.
Ensure that the back of the log rests against the brackets
on the back wall of the firebox.
2. Move the two small logs (#2 & #3) into position, lining
up the studs located on the burner with the holes on the
bottom of the logs.
3. Tear the glowing embers into pieces and place along
the front row of ports covering all of the burner area in front of
the small logs (#2 & #3). Care should be taken to shred the
embers into
thin, small irregular pieces as only the exposed
edges of the fibre hairs will glow. The ember material will
only glow when exposed to direct flame; however, care should
be taken to not block the burner ports. Blocked burner ports
can cause an incorrect flame pattern, carbon deposits and
delayed ignition. PHAZER
logs glow when exposed to di-
rect flame.