Option 17 -- Minimum Time Between Equipment Stages (HP only)
10, 15, 20, 25 minutes — Default is 15.
When there are two stages of heat available, this is the amount of time the first
stage must operate before the second stage can turn on. With heat pumps, longer
times can reduce the amount of auxiliary heat used. N ot available with AC
Option 18 -- Backlight Configuration
ON, OF — Default is OF.
When ON is selected and the thermostat is not battery operated, a low level
continuous display backlight is always on. With OF selected, the backlight is
only on for a short time after a key is pressed.
NOTE: Continuous backlight is not available with battery operation.
Option 26 -- Minimum Cooling Setpoint
52_ to 90_F—Defaultis62_F.
Sets the lowest cooling setpoint available to the user.
Option 27 -- Maximum Heating Setpoint
Sets the highest heating setpoint available to the user.