Carrier Indoor & Outdoor Split Geothermal Heat Pumps - Rev.: 08/10/05
Performance Correction Factors
Full Load Heating Corrections Full Load Cooling Corrections
Sens Clg Cap Multipliers- Entering DB °F
Ent Air DB
Htg Cap Power
Heat of
Ent Air
Total Clg
60 65 70 75 80 80.6 85 90 95 100
Power Heat of
40 1.052 0.779 1.120
45 0.832 1.346 1.461 1.603 0.946 0.853
45 1.043 0.808 1.102
50 0.850 1.004 1.174 1.357 0.953 0.870
50 1.035 0.841 1.084
55 0.880 0.694 0.902 1.115 1.331 0.964 0.896
55 1.027 0.877 1.065
60 0.922 0.646 0.875 1.103 1.329 1.356 0.977 0.932
60 1.019 0.915 1.045
65 0.975 0.639 0.869 1.096 1.123 1.320 0.993 0.979
65 1.010 0.957 1.023
66.2 0.990 0.582 0.812 1.039 1.066 1.262 1.482 0.997 0.991
68 1.004 0.982 1.010
67 1.000 0.545 0.774 1.000 1.027 1.223 1.444 1.000 1.000
70 1.000 1.000 1.000
70 1.040 0.630 0.853 0.880 1.075 1.297 1.517 1.011 1.035
75 0.989 1.045 0.974
75 1.117 0.601 0.627 0.821 1.046 1.275 1.510 1.033 1.101
80 0.976 1.093 0.946
Rev.: 03/29/04
* Sensible capacity equals total capacity (no latent capacity) at conditions shown as "*"
ARI/ISO/ASHRAE 13256-1 uses entering air conditions of Clg- 80.6°F DB/66.2°F WB and Htg- 68°F DB/59°F WB
TT Full Load Entering Air Corrections
TT Full Load Air Flow Corrections
Airflow Cooling Heating
Ton of Clg
% of
Total Cap Sens Cap Power Heat of Rej Htg Cap Power Heat of Ext
240 60 0.925 0.788 0.913 0.922 0.946 1.153 0.896
275 69 0.946 0.829 0.926 0.942 0.959 1.107 0.924
300 75 0.960 0.861 0.937 0.955 0.969 1.078 0.942
325 81 0.972 0.895 0.950 0.968 0.977 1.053 0.959
350 88 0.983 0.930 0.965 0.979 0.985 1.032 0.974
375 94 0.992 0.965 0.982 0.990 0.993 1.014 0.988
400 100 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
425 106 1.007 1.033 1.020 1.009 1.006 0.989 1.011
450 113 1.012 1.064 1.042 1.018 1.012 0.982 1.019
475 119 1.016 1.092 1.066 1.025 1.018 0.979 1.027
500 125 1.018 1.116 1.091 1.032 1.022 0.977 1.033
520 130 1.019 1.132 1.112 1.037 1.026 0.975 1.038
Part Load Heating Corrections Part Load Cooling Corrections
Sens Clg Cap Multipliers- Entering DB °F
Ent Air DB
Htg Cap Power
Heat of
Ent Air
Total Clg
60 65 70 75 80 80.6 85 90 95 100
Power Heat of
40 1.084 0.732 1.161
45 0.876 1.286 1.302 1.389 0.981 0.895
45 1.073 0.764 1.140
50 0.883 1.002 1.099 1.241 0.985 0.901
50 1.060 0.802 1.117
55 0.903 0.706 0.871 1.060 1.271 0.989 0.918
55 1.046 0.846 1.090
60 0.935 0.617 0.844 1.079 1.319 1.349 0.993 0.945
60 1.031 0.893 1.061
65 0.979 0.595 0.849 1.098 1.128 1.342 0.998 0.982
65 1.016 0.945 1.031
66.2 0.991 0.531 0.789 1.040 1.070 1.284 1.522 0.999 0.993
68 1.006 0.978 1.013
67 1.000 0.486 0.747 1.000 1.030 1.245 1.481 1.000 1.000
70 1.000 1.000 1.000
70 1.035 0.583 0.842 0.873 1.090 1.327 1.552
1.003 1.030
75 0.984 1.058 0.968
75 1.105 0.552 0.584 0.811 1.057 1.290 1.510 1.008 1.088
80 0.968 1.117 0.936
Rev.: 03/29/04
* Sensible capacity equals total capacity (no latent capacity) at conditions shown as "*"
ARI/ISO/ASHRAE 13256-1 uses entering air conditions of Clg- 80.6°F DB/66.2°F WB and Htg- 68°F DB/59°F WB
TT Part Load Entering Air Corrections
TT Part Load Air Flow Corrections
Airflow Cooling Heating
Ton of Clg
% of
Total Cap Sens Cap Power Heat of Rej Htg Cap Power Heat of Ext
240 60 0.920 0.781 0.959 0.927 0.946 1.241 0.881
275 69 0.942 0.832 0.964 0.946 0.960 1.163 0.915
300 75 0.956 0.867 0.969 0.959 0.969 1.115 0.937
325 81 0.969 0.901 0.975 0.970 0.978 1.076 0.956
350 88 0.981 0.934 0.982 0.981 0.986 1.043 0.973
375 94 0.991 0.967 0.990 0.991 0.993 1.018 0.988
400 100 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
425 106 1.007 1.033 1.011 1.008 1.006 0.990 1.010
450 113 1.013 1.065 1.023 1.015 1.012 0.986 1.017
475 119 1.018 1.098 1.036 1.021 1.017 0.983 1.024
500 125 1.021 1.131 1.051 1.026 1.021 0.981 1.030
520 130 1.023 1.159 1.063 1.030 1.024 0.979 1.034
Entering Air Correction Factors
Airfl ow Correction Factors