Applications Manual Bosch Greenstar | 29
Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.
Data subject to change
2.5 System 5: Greenstar Heating Boiler in a
single zone system
Single boiler with primary/secondary piping confi guration
supplying one heating zone. Outdoor reset with FW200
controller with built-in room sensor mounted in the living
space for room feedback.
Use this design where System 1 cannot be used due to too
great a system pressure drop. Primary/secondary piping is
also required for radiant fl oor and panel radiator applica-
Primary/secondary piping isolates the system fl ow from
the boiler fl ow and prevents the system from infl uencing
boiler performance.
In detail:
The FW200 is an outdoor temperature based controller
with room temperature infl uence. The controller adjusts
the heating curve (boiler supply temperature) according
to outdoor temperature. When the FW200 is wall mounted
as a room sensor, it uses room temperature to adjust the
heating curve and modify boiler supply temperature ac-
FW200 provides warm weather shutdown.
For temperature sensitive radiant fl oor applications, install
a thermostatic tempering valve for overheat protection.
Required components:
Greenstar heating boiler.
FW200 controller in the room.
Primary/secondary piping and system pump.
Thermostatic mixing valve (optional - overheat
protection for temperature sensitive floors).
Additional instructions:
See manufacturer’s installation and operating instructions.