1. Liquid Cooling Circuit
An Error or warning message “Ambient temp high” is displayed on the local LCD pa nel or touch panel. See manual of the projector
for accessing error messages.
Possible cause
Ambient temperature of the projector is too high.
Measure the a m bient temperature nearby the projector. In
case the measured temperature is higher than 40 °C take
the necessary measurements to ensure that the ambient
temperature is below 40 °C.
Blocked filter at the front side and the left side of the projector Clean the blocked filter.
One of the DMD’s is too high in temperature
An Error or warning message “DMD temp high” is displayed on the local LCD panel or touch panel. See ma nual of the projector for
accessing error messages.
Possible cause
Malfunction Peltier element of the inv
olved DMD. Only one
DMD is too high in temperature while the other tw o DMD’s
have a normal and almost equal temperature.
1. Check if the wire unit of the involved Peltier is conn ecte d
with the interface board.
2. Check if the wire unit of the temperature sensor (N TC) is
connected with the interface boa
3. Check the fan control board. In case of malfunctioning
replace the board.
4. Defect Peltier element. Replace Pe
The wire units of two Peltier elements or there respective
temperature sensors (NTC ’s) have been swapped. While the
temperature of one DMD is too high,
the other w ill most likely
be to low.
Check if the wire units of all Peltiers and all temperature
sensors (NTC’s) are plugged in there respective connector
sockets on the interfac e board.
Poor assembly of DMD o r Peltier + cooler block.
Reinstall the Peltier.
All DMD’s are too high in temperature
An Error or w a rning message “DMD temp high” is displayed on the local LCD panel.
Possible cause
The liquid cooling circuit of the light processor is mistakenly
excluded from the main liquid cooling circuit.
Check of the cooling circuit of the light processor is connected
with the pump a nd heat exchange r.
None of the wire units of the Peltier elements or there
respective temp erature senso rs (NTC’s) are con nected.
Check if the wire units of all Peltiers and all temperature
sensors (NTC’s) are plugged in there respective connector
sockets on the interfac e board.
Blocked filter of the heat exchanger. Clean the blocked filter.
No flow of the cooling liquid
An Error message “Water flow” is displayed on the local LCD panel.
Possible cause
Interruption of the liquid cooling circuit. Check if the loop of the liquid cooling circuit is closed.
No or insufficient liquid inside th e cooling circuit. The pump is
sucking air and sounds noisier then normal.
Fill the cooling circuit with liquid and expel all air. Pressurize
the circuit.