2. Servicing the liquid cooling circuit
4. Now that the pressure vessel is liquid filled you have to increase the pressure to 1 bar by pu shing in the pisto n of the syringe.
Then immediately extract 75 ml back into the syringe by doing the following:
a) Taking note of th e liquid level already in the syringe, release the p lunger.
b) Now fill the syringe by slowly pumping air into the vessel (connect air pump to valve).
c) Stop once 75 ml has been expelled.
d) Disconnect the syringe from the cooling circuit.
Note: 75 ml does not include the liquid already in the syringe.
75 ml
Image 2-18
Calibrate cooling circuit
5. Remove the syringe connection.
6. Pump up the air pressure to 1bar(on manometer) and reinstall the valve cap tightly on the pressure vessel.
Image 2-19
Pressurize to 1 bar
7. Mark the pressure vessel wit
h the calibration da te for future reference.
8. Check that the vane is open.