Bacharach RDM800 Carbon Monoxide Alarm User Manual

Working with the Fault Screen
From the SYSTEM SCREEN press the button adjacent to FAULT. This takes you to the FAULT
SCREEN. The information displayed on this screen is broken onto two categories – CRITICAL FAULTS
Fault Screen
Critical Faults
NO FLOW ON ZONE – Go to SYSTEM SCREEN, the to ZONES. The zone screen will display a “NO
FLOW” message in each individual zone affected. Check for a blockage in the air sample line or at
the line end filter. Once the blockage has been cleared, the HGM300 will return to normal operation
after the zone has been sampled. Note - This can take some several minutes since it is dependent
upon how many zones there are and their lengths. The HGM300 will clear the fault the next time it
polls the effected zone and the RDM800 will return to normal operation the next time that it polls the
NO FLOW ON PURGE – Check the purge line for a blockage. Verify that the length of the purge line
and exhaust line do not exceed 300 feet in length.
NO FLOW DETECTED – Check for proper pump operation. Check the water trap – drain if
CLIPPING FAULT – The detector voltage may be out of tolerance. Check the DIAGNOSTIC
SCREEN for the DET voltage, AVE voltage and ZERO voltage. Call the factory with this information
for farther instructions.
REZERO VOLT TOL – The detector output voltage is out of tolerance. Check the DIAGNOSTIC
SCREEN as in item 4 and contact the factory for assistance.