NetworkAIR FM DX 60 Hz Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting62
APC Device IP Configuration Wizard
You can use the APC Device IP Configuration Wizard at a computer running Microsoft Windows 2000,
Windows 2003, or Windows XP to configure a Network Management Card.
1. Insert the Utility CD into a computer on your network and click the "Device IP Configuration
Wizard" link.
2. Launch the Device IP Configuration Wizard, when prompted, or, if prompted to restart the
computer, access the Wizard from the Start menu after the computer has restarted.
3. Wait for the Wizard to detect the unconfigured Network Management Card, then follow the
on-screen instructions.
Note: If you leave the Start a Web browser when finished option enabled, you can
use apc for both the user name and password to access the Network Management Card
through your browser.
BOOTP and DHCP configuration
TCP/IP Configuration, which you access by selecting the Administration tab, the Network option on
the top menu bar, and TCP/IP on the left navigation menu, identifies how the TCP/IP settings will be
defined. The possible settings are Manual, DHCP, BOOTP, and DHCP & BOOTP (the default
Note: The DHCP & BOOTP setting assumes that a properly configured DHCP or BOOTP
server is available to provide TCP/IP settings to the Network Management Card.
With Boot Mode set to DHCP & BOOTP (the default setting), the Network Management Card attempts
to discover a properly configured server. It first searches for a BOOTP server, then a DHCP server, and
repeats this pattern until it discovers a BOOTP or DHCP server.
See “BOOTP” on this page or “DHCP” on page 63 for configuration information.
BOOTP. You can use an RFC951-compliant BOOTP server to configure the TCP/IP settings for the
Network Management Card.
1. Enter the Network Management Card MAC and IP addresses, the subnet mask and default
gateway settings, and an optional bootup file name in the BOOTPTAB file of the BOOTP server.
Note: For the MAC address, look on the nameplate of the equipment. The MAC
address is also available on the display interface.
Path: Setup>System>Network Config.