59NetworkAIR FM DX 60 Hz Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
Supply Humidity High • Verify that the suction pressure is not below 58 psig (400 kPa).
• Ensure that the alarm delay is not set too low. The delay should be long
enough to allow the Module to control the humitity after start-up.
• Ensure the alarm threshold for the humidity of the supply air is set above the
humidify and dehumidify setpoints.
• Verify that there is proper airflow through the Module. (Check the pressure
drop across the evaporator coil.)
• Check the capacity output of the humidifier and reduce it if required.
• Ensure that there is a proper vapor barrier within the conditioned space.
• Verify that the Module is configured and equipped for the dehumidify mode.
• Ensure the dehumidify mode is enabled.
• Ensure the dehumidify mode is not disabled because of an active custome
input mapped to a nonessential lockout.
Supply Humidity Low • Ensure the alarm delay is not set too low. The delay should be long enough to
allow the Module to control the humidity after start-up.
• Ensure the alarm threshold for the humidity of the supply air is set below the
humidify and dehumidify setpoints.
• Check the capacity output of the humidifier and increase it if required.
• Ensure there is a proper vapor barrier within the conditioned space.
• Verify the Module is configured and equipped for the humidify mode.
• Ensure the jumidify mode is enabled.
• Ensure the humidify mode is not disabled because of an active customer
input mapped to a nonessential lockout.
Supply Sensor Fail • Verify that there is a proper CAN connection between the sensors and the
user interface box.
• Check the connections of the 25 pin serial communication cable from the
main controller board to the customer interface box.
• Replace the sensor assembly.
Supply Temperature High • Ensure that the alarm delay is not set too low. The delay should be long
enough to allow the Module to control the temperature after start-up.
• Verify that the supply air temperature alarm threshold is set above the cool
and reheat setpoints.
• Verify that there is proper airflow through the Module (check the pressure
drop across the evaporator coil).
• Ensure that the cool mode is enabled.
• Ensure that the cool mode is not disabled because of an active customer input
mapped to nonessential lockout.
Supply Temperature Low • Ensure that the alarm delay is not set too low. The delay should be long
enough to allow the Module to control the temperature after start-up.
• Verify that the Module is configured and equipped for the reheat mode.
• Ensure that the supply air temperature alarm threshold is set below the reheat
and cool setpoints.
• Ensure that the reheat mode is enabled.
• Ensure that the reheat mode is not disabled because of an active customer
input mapped to nonessential lockout.
• Verify that there is proper airflow through the Module (check the pressure
drop across the evaporator coil).
Displayed Alarm Message Action Required